The Challenge

Our client had a clear mission: become a go-to training provider for mortgage brokers. They recognised the need for top-notch training but faced the challenge of creating an effective learning hub. hey had the course content in hand but needed a user-friendly platform to host and efficiently manage their students.

Our approach

Integrate: We introduced our powerful platform, "Integrate." It became the backbone of their academy.  We handled the platform setup, configured their courses, and ensured it all ran smoothly.

Efficiency through Automation: We streamlined operations with smart automations, which meant their team could bid farewell to tedious manual work. No more time wasted on manual onboarding or managing routine tasks. Automation handled the nitty-gritty, allowing their team to focus on what truly mattersβ€”providing top-notch training and shaping the future of mortgage brokering.

Training for Empowerment: We didn't just hand over the keys; we trained their team on how to make the most of the system. They gained full control to manage and nurture their learning community.

The Outcomes

Efficient Training Hub: Integrate gave the client a robust training hub, setting the stage for top-notch mortgage broker training.

Simplified Course Management: We streamlined course setup and management, eliminating administrative hassles.

Automation Benefits: Smart automations reduced manual tasks, boosting efficiency and freeing up the team for essential training activities.

Empowered Team: We provided comprehensive training, ensuring the client's team could independently manage their learning community and platform.

Improved User Experience: Mortgage brokers enjoyed a user-friendly training environment, resulting in higher satisfaction.

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Tools we used
Client testimonial

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