Attention Experts, coaches, consultants and thought leaders...
Make more money from your knowledge & create more impact, influence and
Without being sold fake promise programs that deliver nothing and rob you of your hard earned money.
Hey coaches, consultants and experts...
It's a jungle out there!
You have worked super hard to become an expert in your area of expertise and you're getting paid for your knowledge. Way to go! But for some reason you're just not able to grow and scale to the level where you're really able to have the amount of IMPACT and INFLUENCE that you want, or that the world deserves.
You may have made a decision that you need to create another vehicle or way for you to make money from your knowledge and this is exactly where the horror movie begins.
You dive down and endless digital rabbit hole of online course creation, key note speaking, workshops, webinar and masterclass creation only to then be stalked by pseudo-coaches promising to help you make 6 figures in 6 seconds with the help of their 20k program for 12 easy payments of "this is never going to work!"
There has to be an easier way...
It gets worse. Maybe in a moment of weakness you decide you'll Invest in yourself and purchase one of these programs. You sign up, you log in and start consuming the content only to realise that the promises made we not realistic or achievable in the time frame promised.
You become jaded and cynical and think that the only way to be successful is to just do more of what you're already doing. So you strap in and purchase a one way ticket to BURN OUT CITY.
You need to spend your time on activities that make an impact.
If you're getting paid to coach or offer 1:1 consulting. This is your money market. There is no point then deciding to become a keynote speaker and abandon your coaching / consulting and sink money into something that is unvalidated and unproven. Instead you should be looking to the next closest thing to coaching and 1:1 consulting. HYBRID or Group Coaching offers.
This way you are taking your existing money market and expanding it's reach without overstretching, overcommitting and entering an unvalidated world that could end up costing you your business.
But Steve, how do I know which product / service to create next?
That's the magical question and the exact reason why we have created the Influence Lab to support you. Here are the key things you need to consider when you want to create the next piece of your EXPERT ECO-SYSTEM.
- Where am I currently making money from my knowledge?
- What is the the closest, product or service to my current money market?
- Can I ask my existing clients for feedback and potential commitment to purchase this new product or service before I create it?
- What do I need to do to create a Minimum Viable Product to start promoting and testing commercial viability?
- Who can keep me accountable and support me during the journey?
- How can I do this without spending tens of thousands of dollars on a ANOTHER rubbish coaching program that promises the world and fails to deliver?
The Influence LAB
A personalised group coaching program created to help you maximise your influence and impact, by building your Expert Eco-System in a way that allows you to help more people, make more money from your knowledge and have more time to spend, doing the things you love.
How it works:
- Identify the areas you are currently making money from your knowledge with.
- Ensure you have your Personal Brand dialled in.
- Ensure you have the right tech, systems and tools to support your knowledge business.
- Identify the next closest product or service to create, validate and presell to your existing audience/clients.
- Build it in the LAB during a 4 week sprint, get support, accountability, action items, learning and feedback.
- Rinse and Repeat.

1. Identify your money market.
If you're making money from your knowledge already, where are you making it. What is the format, what is the vehicle and what is the way that you're currently doing this? It's critical to know this. It may be one place or it may be multiple.
The more vehicles you can add to your ecosystem that allow you to make money from your knowledge and expertise, the more freedom and flexibility you will gain, but it all starts with identifying what's working NOW!

2. Personal Brand dialled in.
When you package and sell your expertise, your business name is not the thing that people buy from. It's YOU. So without a rock solid and rocking personal brand there isn't much point trying to grow and scale your influence and impact.
We will work with you to make sure this is set up for success and if we need to connect you to some of our LAB experts to ensure your Personal Brand is on point.

3. Right tech, systems and tools.
At the Lab we don't want you spending money on stuff you don't need. Once you have proven a concept then absolutely spend the money to bring it to live. HOWEVER. You need a CRM, booking system and way to communicate on mass with your audience.
At this stage we will audit your tech stack and make sure any holes are plugged so that nothing slips through the cracks and you can create an amazing client experience.

4. What's the next product or service?
Now we are ready to look for the next closest product or service to your current money market/s for you to create. The more vehicles you have working for you, the more impact and influence you are able to have.
Say you're current money market is Coaching 1:1. The next closest service you could offer is a hybrid or Group Coaching program. What makes the LAB unique is that before you build it you would validate it with your existing money market. If you get some yeses or some commitment to beta test, then you get a green light.

5. Build the MVP during a 4 week sprint.
This is the cool part of the LAB. Well a lot of it is cool, but this is really cool. Everything we get you to do in the LAB is focused into 4 week single action sprints. This means that you work on one thing, for 4 weeks. We have plenty of TRAILS that you can choose to work on.
The LAB will provide you with the content, the action items, the support and accountability to make this happen. All you have to do is focus and put in the time.

So what's included in the LAB?
Personalised money market strategy, Personal Brand Audit, Tech and Systems Audit and Game plan
This is the starting point for everyone. We will get a deep understanding of what you do, how you do it and where you're making your money from. We will audit your personal brand and tech stack and make recommendations, help you plug any holes that exist and set you up for your first 4 week sprint.
Access to the LAB TRAILS.
As a member of the LAB you get access to all of our TRAILS, which are 4 week sprints that by the end of them, you have something tangible. For example, we might identify at the start of the month that your next best product is a book. So you'd enrol in the Book TRAIL and over the next 4 weeks you'd work to create a book that you can promote and sell.
Monthly Education and Masterclasses
Each month in the LAB there are 2 group education sessions. The first is a LAB-ed session with Steve where we will deep dive into one of the TRAILS, pieces of tech, systems or strategy that is working well right now. The other is a Masterclass with an expert in their respective field. It may be a podcast specialist, a LinkedIn marketing expert or a branding guru. Either way we come together to learn and replay uploaded into the LAB.
Community and Coworking
You get to be part of a community of experts who are committed to growing their influence and impact. You can ask questions, support each other, request feedback or endorsements and help each other grow. You also get a seat in the LAB and Learn Awesome digital co-working space. This is a cool virtual world where you can work, interact, play and learn together.
You're own project board
Accountability is everything to us in the LAB so each member will have access to their own project board where depending on your chosen TRAIL for the month, you will get all of your to do list items, tasks, due dates and progress measures that will help keep you on track. You're able to make comments, ask for feedback and support and celebrate the feeling of completing something each month.
Weekly stand ups
Each week there will be a group stand up and check in where we set the intention for the week ahead and set the list of things we are going to achieve. It may be to send out 10 emails each day, or write 5 posts on social media or 2 chapters of the book. The community will help keep you accountable and we can measure and adjust as we need.

So what's the investment?
The LAB was created to be accessible and affordable for any expert who is currently making some income from their expertise, but need support, direction and accountability to add additional vehicles of impact to grow their influence and put more money in their pockets.
500 per month
5000 per year