We help companies and experts train their staff, digitise their knowledge, create meaningful outcomes and memorable learning experiences.

We've gotten pretty good at it too- ask our mums.

Customers served! 0 + Years of Awesome
Customers served! 0 + Hours of content
Customers served! 0 + Experiences BUILT

What we do in two sentences...

We help companies train their staff, allow them to increase retention, boost capability and employee satisfaction by creating engaging, interactive and impactful live and digital learning experiences. 

We help experts, coaches and consultants increase their impact and influence helping them package and commercialise their knowledge in the most effective way.

Some of our amazing clients

We have been so fortunate to partner with some of the most amazing businesses over the years. Here are just a few of them.

Learn Awesome Values

We love what we do and are pretty good at it. Our success is because of the WAY we do things. We ❤️ our clients and we ❤️ the chance to let our creative superpowers shine.

  • Partnership instead of Transactional
  • Learner needs first, invoice payers- a close second
  • Teach clients how to fish wherever possible
  • Work for our clients not for learning awards
  • Appreciate that simple can and is sexy

 How we typically work 

The way we achieve AWESOME... 

For majority of our services we follow a proven process that is inclusive and has all the elements required to help us fall in ❤️ with each other.

  1. 1
    It all starts here for us (and you) We need to spend some time getting to know each other and asking lots of questions. This will help make sure we can rock your world and solve some of the challenges you are facing.
  2. 2
    Once we have fallen madly in love, we will take it to the next level and we will build out a strategy. This varies depending on what we find out in "discovery" but it's the overarching game plan, so that you have full strategic visibility of how what we do will fit in to the rest of your universe.
  3. 3
    Design/ Develop (make sexy)
    Now we get to work and build something majestic  and amazing for you. Again depending on the size and the scope of the project will dictate the timeframe, but we will have regular check ins with you and keep you in the loop and along for the ride!
  4. 4
    Review, Launch, Review
    Our review sandwich. This is where we make sure everything is ready for lift off. Then we deliver the project in whatever format it needs to be delivered in. We laugh, we high five and we let the work, work it's magic. It would typically stop there, but we care about the impact of the project. We will then do a Post Project Implementation Review and check in to make sure the desired outcomes were achieved. 

Are you starting to fall in ❤️ yet?

Maybe it's just time to book a discovery call and take our relationship to the next level.