Create engaging, interactive and educational eLearning for your team that provides meaningful results

Why settle for e-Boring, when you can have e-AWESOME!

 We help plenty of cool cats... 

Do you fall into one of these categories? 

  • 👩‍🏫 Educational Institutions 
    Struggling to keep students engaged? Looking for ways to modernise your curriculum? eLearning can make education interactive, accessible, and fun.
  •  🏢 Companies and Organisations
    Tired of outdated training manuals and yawning employees? Transform your training programs into interactive eLearning experiences that employees will actually enjoy.
  • 🌐 Online Course Creators
    Have a wealth of knowledge but not sure how to share it? E-learning can help you create a course that not only educates but also captivates.
  • 🤝 Non-Profits & Community Organizations
    Need to train volunteers or spread awareness on a budget? E-learning is a cost-effective way to educate and engage your community.
  • ... and plenty of others, but this is a website, not a 400 page novel. Best thing to do is book a discovery call and let us have a specific chat about your needs. 

 Training shouldn't be this hard.

Some of the challenges you might face 😓

  • No Analytics 📊
    Without data tracking, it's difficult to measure the effectiveness of your training programs, leaving you in the dark about ROI and areas for improvement.
  •  Inconsistent Training 🤷                                             Different trainers may have varying levels of expertise and teaching styles, leading to inconsistent training quality across your organisation.
  •  Lack of Personalisation 👥
    One-size-fits-all training programs may not address the specific needs of each learner, reducing the effectiveness of the training.
  •  Outdated Content 📜
    Printed materials can quickly become obsolete, requiring frequent updates and reprinting, which can be both time-consuming and costly.
  •  Limited Accessibility 🌍
    Traditional methods may not be accessible to everyone, everywhere. If you have a remote team, they might not get the training they need, when they need it, leading to inefficiencies and increased costs.
  • Low Engagement 🙁
    Traditional learning methods can be dull and non-engaging, leading to poor retention rates and ineffective training outcomes.
  •  High Costs 💸
    Physical materials and in-person training can be expensive, draining your budget without necessarily delivering better results.
  •  Time Constraints ⏰
    Scheduling in-person training sessions can be logistically challenging, especially for large or dispersed teams, resulting in delays and missed opportunities.
  •  Limited Scalability 📈
    Traditional training methods can be hard to scale, requiring more resources and investment as your organisation grows.
  •  Technological Barriers 💻
    Outdated training technology can be difficult to integrate with modern systems, causing compatibility issues and hindering the learning experience.

Why do eLearning with Learn Awesome?

Answer: We are really good at it? (Just ask our Mums haha). Seriously though, you won't find an agency or team that will partner with your organisation to work together to make your project a success. From discovery to delivery and beyond, we are with you every step of the way.

👨‍🎓 Learner-Centric:

We commit to fully understanding the needs of the learner, ensuring each program is tailored to maximise impact.

🛠️ Fully Editable

Our tools are designed to be maintained by you, long after our work is done, giving you full control over your content.

📈 Practical Metrics:

We measure success by clear and deliberate outcomes, not by awards or accolades.

🎉 Innovative & Fun:

We love pushing the limits. Our e-learning experiences are as enjoyable as they are educational.

Some of the cool cats we have played with...

Our approach to your project

Every stage of our process is mapped out and followed to ensure full transparency and ensures that there are multiple check in stages to enable to to exceed your needs. 

  • Discovery
  • Strategy
  • Design
  • Develop
  • Review
  • Launch
  • Post Implementation Review

But... how much does it cost?

 We know you have this question and we hate it when companies say, "it depends." But in our world it depends on how the projects stacks up against our "Levers of Awesome." These are the 5 factors that we will use to determine the price for your project.  

Because we aim to partner with our clients, during the discovery and strategy stage will be able to offer you flexible pricing options that allow the project to be created in a way that realised needs of your organisation and your learners. 

Lever #1 - Duration of learning content

The longer the learning we need to build with you, the more expensive it will be.

Lever #2 - Amount of Interactivity

Interactivity comes in many shapes and sizes. It could be animated video, or creating scenarios or alternate realities. It could even be how the content is consumed by the learner. Best to check out our portfolio and case studies. We will also show and tell during discovery. 

Lever #3 -Who provides the content

We love subject matter experts. If you have them and they can provide content, this lever is less expensive. Sometimes, you need us to become the expert, learn the process and systems. If this happens then this lever will increase the cost of the project. 

Lever #4 - Reporting, Access and System integration

What level of reporting do you want? What do you want to report on? What is your LMS, how do you want your learners to receive training etc. Do you even have a system? All of these impact the cost of this lever. 

Lever #5 - Deadline

Another simple one. The less time to build the more expensive the project becomes, due to the need for us to put more resources on the team. 

We throw all of these things into the caldron, stir it around, once we have all of the information from discovery and strategy stages and POOF! We have a project price. 

Some screenshots of our work...

While we are so lucky to work with some amazing clients and companies, we also work on sensitive internal stuff. As a result we are limited in what we can show and tell. But here is a taste.. If you want more, check out our portfolio and case study sections for more projects. 

Will you be our next eLearning partner? Only one way to find out...