The Challenge

We were handed a mission impossible (well, almost) of transforming the traditional, snooze-inducing face-to-face Compliance training on the Code of Conduct and Ethics into something engaging and effective in the digital realm.

Our approach

Scenario-Driven Learning: Picture this: You're learning about compliance requirements through real-world scenarios and interactive activities. That's precisely what we've created! Our modules are packed with scenarios that allow learners to explore compliance concepts at their own pace. No more mind-numbing lectures or endless text!

Compliance Mentor: Ever wished you had a wise mentor guiding you through life's complexities? Well, our eLearning module grants that wish. We introduced a virtual mentor who not only guided learners through the content but also made it feel like they were having a one-on-one chat with an expert.

Articulate Storyline Magic: We built the whole shebang using Articulate Storyline. That means it's not just a learning module; it's an interactive experience. Learners don't just passively watch; they actively engage, and that's where the real learning happens. 💫

Take a peek
Tools we used
Client testimonial

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About the author Steve

How do you write these things.. Univestity graduate, buys a gym, sells a gym to buy ice cream stores, paddled around the world in his 20's and has been in love with Learning and Development for 10+ years.

Oh and he creates RAD Learning & Training solutions for his clients?

Oh and he is a super amateur blacksmith, stock and options trader who loves bodysurfing.

Hows that? If you want to work with Steve or just want to have a chat,, please reach out via LinkedIn or Learn Awesome :)

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