The Challenge

Our client was no stranger to excellent face-to-face induction training, but they recognised the need to adapt to the fast-paced, digital world. They wanted to create a modern, engaging onboarding experience that could efficiently guide new employees through the organisational processes and culture, setting them up for success from day one. The challenge was to accelerate onboarding, ensure consistency in information delivery, and make the whole process anything but mundane.

Our approach

Digital Induction: This Digital Induction platform is more than just a training program; it's a welcoming adventure that immerses new team members in the company's culture, processes, and values.

Efficiency Meets Engagement: With our expertise in e-learning, we designed a platform that not only speeds up the onboarding timeline but also keeps newbies engaged from start to finish. Interactivity and gamification elements turned what used to be a boring process into a fun and immersive experience.

Chameleon Magic: We used Chameleon to bring it all to life, making the Digital Induction Program a vibrant and interactive space. New employees now embark on a journey that's far from dull; it's an interactive, informative, and memorable welcome.

The Outcome

Efficient Onboarding🚀: Switching from traditional face-to-face to the Digital Induction platform sped up onboarding, saving time and resources.

Consistent Information📊: The Digital Induction program delivered critical organizational info consistently, creating alignment among employees.

Engaging Onboarding🤩: Adding interactivity made onboarding more enjoyable and immersive for new hires.

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Tools we used
Client testimonial

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