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New to industry ID's - Learn Awesome

How you can get

real experience, with real clients & real endorsement to help you break into the Learning Design Industry.

We have helped dozens of new to industry instructional designers get real experience, with real clients and receive real endorsements to help them successfully secure their first or next role.  

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Services for new to industry Instructional Designers/ Learning Designers.

This is how we can help you get your first or next job in the industry.

PIMP your Portfolio

Show your prospective employer or clients WHO you are as a designer. 

It doesn't get much cooler than this. 5 days of amazing content and insight, delivered to your inbox. Templates and checklists to show you how to harness the power of video to communicate your value to the world. 

Too many portfolios show the what and the how but little focus on the WHY. This is where video comes in... 

LAMP - Learn Awesome Mentoring Program

Work on a real project for a real client and get real feedback and endorsement from Learn Awesome

If you want real experience, building a real project, working for a real client and then have real endorsements on your CV and portfolio in the next 4-6 weeks then this paid mentorship is for you. 
Our LAMP Alumni have almost all (22 LAMPS) have all secured jobs after completing the LAMP program.