The simplest funnel you can build to qualify your prospects and book quality appointments with people who want to buy your services.
It's 3 steps, 3 pages, built for $0m and can be set up in less than 30 mins.

Live Masterclass
We are running this training live as well as giving you access to the replay and resources for life.
14 November
12:00 PM Melb, Syd Time
You missed out!
The challenge
As an expert it's getting harder and harder to attract qualified prospects into your calendar to have an opportunity to help them solve their problems, which you know you're able to do. Maybe you're getting appointments booked on your calendar, but they just aren't the right fit. Or you're spending the first 30 minutes of the call trying to convince them that the problems they are having can be solved by you. It doesn't have to be this way.
It's a competitive world out there. Lots of people competing for the attention of your ideal clients. The way you make them fall in love with you is to show them WHY you're the expert for them. No complicated funnel or process, no opt in or gated content. Just an attention grabbing headline and a video that shows them why you're the expert in solving the problems they have.
But how do you build this? It's easier than you think. This is the reason we have put together this masterclass that teaches you how to build what we call... a Fall in funnel.
Step 1 - An Ad or Organic Post
The first step is to have all of your ads or posts or even conversations pointing to your new fall in funnel. It needs to capture the audiences attention and give them a reason to click. That's it. Stop the SCROLL, get them to click. Mission accomplished.

Step 2 - Build the funnel
This funnel is super simple. 3 steps.
- The landing page
- The booking page
- The thank you page
What goes on these pages is super important and will be the main factor that makes or breaks the performance and likelihood of people booking appointments.

Step 3 - Nurture the appointment
Once they have booked the appointment, the job is not done. You want to show them you care and that you're exicited they booked a call with you.
We will show you the pre call pump up sequence that increases call show rate by 50% or more.

Learn it once apply it forever!
Once you learn the system and the set up, it's as easy as CTRL + C and CTRL + V, change some content and you have another fall in love funnel working for you, making prospects fall in love with you.