👋 Thanks for stopping by!
We create digital experiences that engage, educate and inspire. 

22/8: WE ARE UPDATING OUR WEBSITE! WEEEEW! You might find some blank or broken links, don't judge us. We are pumped to streamline our offerings and are doing this for YOU! Book a call with us and let us dazzle you in real life!

We have gotten pretty good at it over the years! Just ask our mums
But seriously. We exist to help companies, organisations and thought leaders harness the power of digitising their knowledge to protect their knowledge, train their staff, teach their clients how to fish or commercialise their knowledge.







So... Where do what do you want to check out, first?  

This is just the home page. If you want some specific information about one of the three things we ROCK at, simply click on the area below and we will whisk you over the in a jiffy! Better yet, just book that 30 min virtual coffee and we can spend 30 mins falling in love with each other and having us healthily obsessed with you! 

Digital Ed
Events Lab
Integrate automations

Some cool cats we have played with over the years!

Jobman client
Reece Group
Humm FS Client
JBwere Logo
NAB National Aus Bank
Life Saving Victoria
Service New South Wales
Dark Horse Rowing
Balwyn High School
Mission Australia
Clinical Labs

Our guiding principles (corporate speak for "what makes us unique" 😂)

There are a lot of learning consultancies out there that will tell you everything you want to hear! They did a UDEMY course on NLP or other Voodoo and they are trying to build rapport by making you feel like they are your best mate! We have a very different way of rolling!  Some clients love what we do, some clients (well they don't become clients) don't align with our values.

We are so so so cool with that. We know we are amazing at what we do and if you think so to then we will work our faces off to create something RAD for your and your business!

Ask why a lot (like a lot!)

Why is cool question.. When we create stuff or are trying to understand a problem we ask why as many times as we can until we are SURE that your answer is the reason and/or the only way forward!

Dude is a term of endearment

Steve spent a lot of time racing canoes in California and Hawaii… dude is part of our company vocabulary.. If you get “duded” it means you ROCK!  Who's Steve? Oh yeah.. right.. we've made this page all about you.. I'm sure there will be some sort of About Us page around here somewhere.

Make it editable

We exist to help you, first and foremost.. Not to create something that you need to pay us to edit three times a week for the remainder of time on earth. Everything we make for you is editable and if it’s not we will teach you how.

Teach people how to fish wherever possible

What we do is not unique. We have done it for number of years, we are really good at it and we know how everything works… Wherever possible we will push for DIY or DWY (done with you) so we can teach you how to fish for yourself. We love reliance and you needing us.. but that doesn’t give us the right to hold you hostage for our knowledge.. EVER! 

Movie references and GIFs ALWAYS

Life is so freaking boring these days. We recognise that sometimes a bit of a fun injection is needed. We love movies and we love GIF's so if it's ok with you, we might insert a few into our relationship

Appreciate that simple can and is SEXY!

Over our collective years in L&D wonderland we have seen some of the most razzle dazzle, award winning learning solutions created! They are cool and so good for peoples reputation and street cred. 

That being said, we have seen powepoint decks with REAL content, from REAL people, telling REAL stories have some of the highest engagement and completion rates. 

If simple exists we will pitch it to you. But if you want crazy complex, we can do that too.

Learner first- invoice payer a close second

We would never bite the hand that feeds us but at the end of the day you're here cause you have a problem. You might not know exactly what it is but it's there. 

To solve the probelm we aren't always going to create stuff that you love.. but we will guarantee your end users will love it! 

That means you win! 

Open, honest, transparent ALWAYS

There is a very dark side to this consultancy stuff! Open ended agreements, locking you in to stuff you haven't even seen yet, the list goes on..

We have a staged approach to everything and you can hop off the ride at anytime, take and own all the work we have done and either finish it yourself or hand it off to other expert. 

We have regular touch points, set objectives and targets and manage expectations in an open, honest and transparent way! 

Otherwise what's the point?

Working for our client not for learning awards

We are part of an industry.. It's called the Learning and Development Industry. Now.. we like people and we like hanging out with our own kind. There comes a point though were we almost pass out from some of the self inflated egos out there.

These type of people pitch for your work, don't give a shit about you and will build something for the purpose of winning them an award that is voted for not by their clients but by their peers who are members of an industry club where they all collude together to make sure they rule supreme over everyone. 

It's a gross club. We prefer to be Ronin (Masterless Samurai) and focus on building stuff that ROCKS your world. We are proudly NON AWARD WINNING!

The order of operations

We have been around the sun a few times and understand that you will want to get started ASAP (we get it) It's key that you know how we roll and you know why we roll this way! It will get you the best results possible!

Learn Awesome Logo
  1. 1
    Discovery (first date) 
    It all starts here for us (and you) We need to spend some time getting to know each other and asking lots of questions. This will help make sure we can rock your world and solve some of the challenges you are facing. 
  2. 2
    Strategy (game plan)
    Once we have fallen madly in love, we will take it to the next level and we will build out a strategy. This varies depending on what we find out in "discovery" but it's the overarching game plan, so that you have full strategic visibility of how what we do will fit in to the rest of your universe.
  3. 3
    Design/Develop (make sexy)
    Now we get to work and build something majestic  and amazing for you. Again depending on the size and the scope of the project will dictate the timeframe, but we will have regular check ins with you and keep you in the loop and along for the ride!

So how much does it cost? 

We love it when you talk dirty to us. That's a tricky question and a bit of a trap. That being said it's important that you know what you're getting into. Please note that we typically quote on a project by project basis. Reason is because a fixed price deal means we work with you until the job is done, it's in both of our interests for the project to succeed and we won't just sit there and burn hours cause we can! We will give you estimated costing after our first date and we know more about your project.


Want to see some examples?

Check out our virtual portfolio and case studies in up in the menu.. We will give you a link to click below if scrolling is too hard haha. It's an honour and privilege to be able to work with some amazing companies and individuals. Sometimes though we do some amazing work, but due to security and sensitive information our clients don't want us to show off their work to the world.

We respect and appreciate that, so we have done our best to talk about it, show it where possible and are more than happy to discuss your project needs over a virtual coffee. 


Let's have that virtual coffee!