Is course planning and creation giving you heartburn? Fear not because we have created the ONLY 3 templates you need to plan, prepare and structure your online course. 

We love the course creator community.. So much that we have unlocked the very templates that we use to build online courses and programs for our clients. We have 15 plus years of experience in the industry and have created over 1000 programs/courses for our clients. The key is planning and the key to good planning is asking the RIGHT questions. 

Who are we again...

Learn Awesome is a full service, full suite Learning Agency! We help businesses, coaches and consultants transfer knowledge to others,  train their staff,  commercialise their knowledge and cheat time so they can GROW, SCALE and WIN. 

We do this by providing and creating engaging online education.  And.. we are really good at it.

Like what you see/hear? Maybe we can help you rock your universe with some RAD learning? Book a discovery call via the link below.